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Cataloxy Томск...Фирмы ТомскaGridGain Systems

GridGain Systems, Томск

GridGain Systems is a Java grid computing startup technology company located in the heart of Silicon Valley. We develop open source Java grid computing platform licensed under LGPL and Apache 2. 0 licenses. Since its first release in August of 2007 it has become the fastest growing Java grid computing infrastructure with tens of thousands of downloads and hundreds of deployments. Our software starts every 10 seconds around the globe!Working in GridGain is a unique opportunity to be on the cutting edge of grid and cloud computing technologies – the expertise that only few companies in the world posses and GridGain is a technological leader among them. We don’t hire just engineers or just architects – everyone in our team participates in entire product development cycle from inception to development, testing and release. We are small but dedicated group of people and work for GridGain Systems is uniquely recognized in this industry.GridGain Systems provides a highly dynamic startup environment to work and grow professionally, flexible and customized compensation package including generous stock options and ability to work remotely with fully paid relocation to Saint Petersburg in future.GridGain Systems is headquartered in Pleasanton, CA and operates R&D office in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

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  Официальный сайт: www.gridgain.com

GridGain Systems в других регионах:

Москва (Москва и Московская обл.)
Санкт-Петербург (Санкт-Петербург и область)
Барнаул (Алтайский край)
Красноярск (Красноярский край)
Новосибирск (Новосибирская область)
Омск (Омская область)
Екатеринбург (Свердловская область)
Томск (Томская область)

Ключевые слова:

data grid, open source grid computing, in-memory data grid, in-memory big data, java grid computing, mapreduce, scala, grid computing, compute grid
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